We all know that sports are great in helping us keep our body in tip-top shape, but not all sports are easily accessible to us. The great thing about sports is that it:

  • Makes life more enjoyable
  • Beats the stress
  • Creates new friends
  • Boosts your energy and confidence

Here are some of the top sports that you can easily do anywhere possible.

1.   Running

No equipment, no sports arena, no partner needed. Running is probably the best sports game you can start at absolutely no cost at all.

You can run around the block; you can run to the market, or anywhere you find relaxing. Running is a great sport that allows you to both lose weight and exercise your mind as well. One of the promising benefits of running is that it is a good and steady way for you to lose weight but also an excellent way for you to relieve the stress and think of life at a more positive outlook.

2.   Aerobic Sports (and Zumba)

Aerobics is a high-intensity sport that you can also do in your lonesome and also to start your journey in losing weight. Though Zumba is not a sport, it is considered to be the baby of aerobic sports, making exercise a fun and exciting activity from the time you start to the moment you finally reached your ideal weight.

3.   Swimming

We’re putting swimming last on our list not because it ranks third in the best sports game that you can do to lose weight. On the contrary, it is the top sport that helps you lose weight. Swimming is a complete sport that literally exercises all the muscles in your body. Even your face!

Swimming requires a full body effort including the proper help and good functioning of your internal organs. Aside from the exercise that you get from it, swimming streamlines and tones your muscles. It also aids in building up the strength of your circulatory system.

  • Swimming is perfect for those who have a weak heart and a weak pair of lungs. It is the best sports game that you can try, especially those who are working on lessening their chances of having a cardiac arrest or asthma attacks.

The only downside to swimming is that you need a place where you can swim. Whether it’s by the beach, the community pool, or maybe even the neighbor’s pond? Swimming requires a proper place where you can really stretch your muscles and swim in the distance.

Inspiring Life Stories of the Best Sports Players in History

When you’re beaten down and absolutely discouraged about yourself, you’re probably looking for a way out the horror you’re feeling inside. We know exactly how that feels. But most definitely, these five people will know better. Check out these top 5 best sports players who have inspiring stories to tell!

Bethany Hamilton

This awesome pro-surfer lost an arm after a shark attack while she was surfing out in open water. The turmoil of adjusting to the loss of a limb was overwhelming, but she managed to get through her fear and heartache and get back on the board again.

Michael Jordan

Imagine being blamed for losing a game 26 times because he missed the winning shot. He got kicked out of the basketball team in High School, lost over 300 games, and also managed to screw up a win with missed shots.

For Micheal Jordan, his winning streak started all because of his failures. He treats failures as learning experiences to do better when another opportunity is given, and for that reason, he is considered as the best sports player in basketball history.

Keiran Behan

Imagine yourself being broken twice. When he was ten, he was told never to walk ever again after having a cancerous tumor was removed from his thigh. This resulted in massive nerve damage that literally paralyzed him to a wheelchair for more than a year.

Out of strong will, he managed to get back on his feet and practice gymnastics again. However, not shortly afterward, he fell and incurred a heavy head injury that made him randomly pass out when he blinks.

After years of getting back on his feet again, getting multiple fractures, having his knee snap before the European Championships, he didn’t stop. His sheer inner strength led him to win the Challenge World Cup Floor Championship. It also made him qualify for the 2012 London Olympics making him our best sports player that overcame the most physical injuries.

Best Sports Game to Try For Recovering Addicts

Drug abuse is a prominent case around the world, and the number of addicts is growing at a terrifyingly alarming rate. Though rehab is one of the most common ways of taming these addictions, not everyone is open to entering rehab. Instead, some prefer entering sports to get their system off the demands of wanting to use drugs.

Here are some of the best sports games that have proven effective in helping addicts get over their drug abuse.


You have yelling, intensive practice, teamwork, exercise, and a team. Team sports have proven to be highly effective in dealing with drug addiction. Aside from demanding physical fitness, team sports offer a strong team relationship. Every effective team needs core strength of trust and support from each player making this a great support system for anyone who is under the strong control of drugs, even for those who have been addicts for a long time.


Soccer is yet another team sport that allows players to focus on playing the game and scoring a goal. It takes the mind off of stress, problems, and issues that lead to a person using drugs. Compared to solo sports, team sports like soccer do not require much brain activity. Drug addicts tend to have exhausted brains caused by the drugs and taking physically demanding sports that also offer strong team support lessens the stress on the mind helping a person recover entirely without having to go to rehab.

Online Sports Games

Say it ain’t so! Though it’s not recommended to replace addiction with an activity that may cause another type of addition, choosing the best sports game online happens to have great effects on recovering addicts. Soccer games, basketball games, and other online sports games (especially those on Wii) provide great simulation for drug addicts who have a hard time dealing with crowds and unfamiliar faces.

Some people have gone way past addiction that leads to paranoia and other mental concerns. But when putting them in front of a screen to play sports games, they tend to relax and focus their attention on playing the game. This is an excellent start for those who are extremely resistant to rehab and even support groups. However, this also needs proper caution because you also need to monitor the user playing the game. Once they have grown more comfortable and have spent time off the drugs they’re using; you can help them get into team sports or rehab.