
Disease is defined as an abnormal condition of person, whose cells or parts of body are affected negatively by bacteria, fungi, virus, protozoa’s and other causes. Some diseases are curable. Some diseases are very dangerous and leading causes of death. Here are Top 10 Deadliest Diseases:

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

Coronary Artery Disease, also known as Ischemic Heart Disease, is a disease that is a leading cause of mortality rates in developing countries. Coronary Artery Heart Disease occurs when blood supplying veins are narrowed. The risk factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight, diabetes and family history of the disease. Doctor must be contacted if these risk factors are realized.

  • Strokes

Strokes occur when blood flow to the brain is poor, which results in the death of cells. Patient feels sudden numbness, trouble in breathing, confusion and trouble in seeing, speaking and walking. Strokes can affect the patient with long-term disability.

  • Respiratory Infections

Lower Respiratory Infection occurs due to persisted influenza, flu, cough and other respiratory infection. Prolonged respiratory infection can result in the breathing problem and death. Lower respiratory infections must not be left untreated.

  • Diabetes:

Diabetes is a group of disease that is a prevalent disease around the world. This disease targets the production of insulin and its use. It is caused by several factors, however the main causing factor is the family history of the patient. Other factors include being overweight, no exercise, poor diet, older age and high blood pressure.

  • Respiratory Cancer

Respiratory cancer is a fatal disease that is most common these days. Respiratory cancers causes include smoking, secondhand smoke and environmental toxins that pollute the insides of a human body. Smoking kills. Smoking habits must be left at once. Solid fuel emissions also result in the development of respiratory cancer.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) is a lung disease that develops over time and breathing becomes difficult for the patient. It is caused by chronic bronchitis, family history, smoking, secondhand smoke and lung irritants such as chemical fumes etc.

  • Dementias (Alzheimer’s)

Alzheimer’s is a disease of the brain. Alzheimer patients experience loss of memory. It is a disease that develops, and destroys mental functions. Alzheimer is a common type of dementia. It is a deadly disease that affects brain and behavior.

  • Diarrhea (Dehydration)

Diarrhea occurs when you pass three or more stools in a day. If diarrhea persists, your body loses lots of water. This lost water causes dehydration that can cause death.

  • Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is a disease of liver, which is a permanent or long-term damage to the liver. Cirrhosis develops over time, and liver stops working. This causes death.

  1. Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a curable disease, but TB is a leading cause of death of patients who have HIV. TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria.

Conclusion These 10 diseases are the deadliest disease in the world, and are leading causes of deaths around the world.